Tag: festivals

SPLEEN ORCHESTRA – TIM BURTON show || Busto Arsizio, february 2018

”Un circo freak all’insegna 
dell’immaginario Timburtonesco. Atmosfere gotico fiabesche 
e brani tratti dai più celebri film 
di Tim Burton eseguiti dal vivo” Una band di formata da otto elementi accompagnata da un’allestimento scenico imponente, trucchi, costumi, scenografie ed effetti speciali che guidano lo spettatore in un viaggio Timburtonesco. The Spleen Orchestra nasce dalla passione del pianista-compositore Silvano Spleen per la…

WHILE SHE SLEEPS || Milano, January 2018

While She Sleeps are an English metalcore band from Sheffield. Their third album, You Are We, was released on 21 April 2017. The room went black. The stage went black. You could feel the electricity in the air. Frontman, Lawrence Taylor, burst onto the stage with so much energy, it radiated from him, and everyone could feel it alongside the…

ROLO TOMASSI || Milano, January 2018

The Sheffield based band Rolo Tomassi is a Mathcore, post-hardcore band known for their strong DIY ethic, and chaotic style and performances. The British band, now close to their fifth debut album ‘Time Will Die And Love Will Bury It’ on March 2nd, was a blast, full of energy and seeing Rolo Tomassi live really paints a picture of the…